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Dreams Taking Flight: A Recap of the Boys & Girls Club Airport Event


Dream of Flight Contest Winner Revealed! How MPI Jet and BGCMC Joined Forces to Inspire Passion for Aviation & STEM

Dream of Flight Contest Winner

Exclusive Airport Event

On Wednesday, September 27th, MPI Jet embarked on an exciting partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County with an interactive and exclusive event for the local Seaside Club members. Members of the Seaside Club were treated to a memorable day that included tours of MPI Jet's private aircraft fleet, encounters with aviation professionals, and a delightful BBQ, providing them with an extraordinary glimpse into the aviation industry beyond the classroom.

Dream of Flight

This unique collaboration began with a “Dream of Flight” art contest where each of the local club members were challenged with the task of drawing what their future dreams and aspirations looked like. The contest’s winner, announced at this first-of-its-kind airport event, now has the unique opportunity to represent MPI Jet in upcoming marketing endeavors.

Airport Event

As the Seaside Club members arrived at the hangar on Wednesday afternoon, they were introduced to the $28 billion industry of aviation as they got to hear from pilots, women in STEM, and received encouraging words from MPI Jet's President, James Garamendi. Each club member enjoyed a behind-the-scenes tour of MPI Jet’s Cessna Citation Cj2+ and Pilatus PC-12, with many remarking that this was their first time setting foot on an aircraft. The day continued with interactive aviation-themed games, a delicious BBQ, and swag bags to serve as a reminder to club members to continue to let their dreams take flight.

“It was amazing to see these young folks excited about their dreams, some even intrigued by aviation!” said Matt McIntyre, Director of Operations at MPI Jet.

Next-Gen Investment

While nearly 50 club members got to explore their dreams at the airport event, MPI Jet got to plant aviation seeds in these excited young minds, investing in the next generation of pilots/aviation enthusiasts. MPI Jet was grateful to use the airport event as an opportunity to give back, increase aviation awareness, and support the local community and youth of Monterey.

Artwork Ambitions

With students ranging from third to eighth grade, there was a wide variety of ambitions conveyed through their artwork. Some of which expressed leading roles in education, athletics, healthcare, graduate programs, and many more inspiring positions. One of the category winners shared a particularly inspiring dream:

“My artwork resembles a dream I had a couple of years ago where I was asked to be the first woman sent to the moon on a rocket ship that had no barriers on race, ethnicity, or gender. That dream has always been in the back of my mind as I think about what I want to do with my life.”

Empowering Dreams

As this fruitful partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County continues to develop, MPI Jet wants to continue supporting and nurturing the future leaders of America. Exciting events and collaborations await in the coming years as we remain dedicated to empowering dreams and inspiring the next generation.



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